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© 2006
Modern Music

The Art of the Violin Volume 3

The Art of the Violin Volume 3
The Art of the Violin Volume 3
Rhythmic Bowing Studies
By Kristi Koker. Recorded Accompaniments
by A. Laurence Lyon
Rhythmic bowing studies to challenge both the intermediate and the early advanced player.
Uses the same scale accompaniment format as in Volumes 1 & 2.
Placed third in the book sequence to ensure proper left and right hand development prior to introducing this important skill.


60 scale accompaniments-  
Major Scale CD.........................
Hear Audio Sample

60 scale accompaniments-  
Minor Scale CD.........................

Book plus both CDs set............

*The Major and Minor Scale CDs for Volume 1, Developing Intonation through Scale Studies, are also to be used with volumes 2 & 3. However, only the 'D' Major Scale has been given on the pages of Volumes 2 & 3 as a model for all other keys.

Author's Notes on The Art of the Violin

The Art of the Violin... concept is not intended to serve as a new violin method, but to fill in the gaps in the already-existing literature in a format that will encompass current and future technology.

It was created: 1) to serve as a developmental tool for the development of the flexor tendon of the right arm in a strictly musical context, that of tonality; and

2) to present a sequential order of exercise material to assist in removing the inhibition of physical limitations. In others words,  teaching the mind and body how to advance to the next level of instruction on the violin.”

-Kristi Koker, Adjunct Faculty Member, University of Washington

The Art of the Violin books, along with the recorded accompaniments, give many varied opportunities to develop and expound correct intonation, as well as other aspects of musicianship.  The diversity of the the approach, i.e., using actual musical accompaniments to learn technique, will eliminate boredom, yet provide repetition.”